Spiritual Beauty was created out of my love for Aesthetics and Energy Healing. I believe we are so much more than what we can see with our physical eyes. My reverence for energy and the way it flows through our lives fills me with awe. When I am in the presence of beauty I cannot help but to feel moved. For me true beauty and happiness are inseparable. In my practice at Spiritual Beauty, I have been guided to focus on clearing and harmonizing anything that limits our true expression of joy.
As an Aesthetician and an Energy Worker, I cannot focus on your physical skin without taking into consideration the many other subtle energetic aspects of you. My approach to illuminating your skin is holistic. True beauty is bringing the whole you into balance.
I am Licensed Aesthetician specializing in Holistic Skin Care with over 21 years experience. I have studied holistic skin care extensively and I am Certified Dr. Hauschka Skin Care Therapist. Witnessing and harnessing the wisdom that the natural kingdom shares graciously with us through the subtle and not so subtle intersection of the mind, body, spirit, soul continues to amaze me. The skin, to me is the interface between our inner and outer world, and in the space of translation of energetic information and matter is where magic or science if you will happens. The gentle stimulation of the Lymphatic System is central to all of my skin care service as well as energetic balancing and harmonizing of your being and energetic anatomy through a deep understanding of Frequency, Subtle Energy Bodies, Akashic Records, Meridian and Chakra Systems. I am devoted to sharing the highest quality services and organic products with you in a clean, hygienic, compassionate and welcoming center.
I have been and continue to be blessed to study with many amazing luminaires who light the path for my Spiritual Healing, Cultivation and Development. I love learning. I am always curious to experience other energy healing and skin care modalities to support my personal and professional growth.
Through over 20 years of integration and experimentation, I have created Energy Infused Beauty Treatments through a unique marriage of highly specialized skin care techniques and energy work. It brings me such joy to share this work with you. Thank you for the honor of supporting you along your self-love and transformational journey!
be beautiful,
Elizabeth (Lisa)
*Energy work is an not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.
© 2024 Spiritual Beauty - All Rights Reserved - 732 856 8365 - 130 Bay Avenue, Highlands, NJ 07732 - info@spiritualbeautycenter.com